Founded in 2022 by an engineer, we at Statis Fund believe that extraordinary returns should not be limited to the elite. We help everyone gain access to diversified algorithmically traded funds for your investment needs. Statis Fund and members of Statis Fund are not financial advisors, however, we have partnered with SEC-registered investment advisors, Quantbase, to oversee regulatory, algorithm verifications, and fund management.
Safety, transparency, and honesty is our core value. Your funds are managed under Statis Fund's strategies with the SEC-registered investment advisor, Quantbase LLC. Securities brokerage services are provided by Alpaca Securities LLC, member FINRA/SIPC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of AlpacaDB, Inc. Technology and services are offered by AlpacaDB, Inc. The first $500,000 you invest (including up to $250,000 in cash) is protected by SIPC insurance. SIPC protects your funds in case of the broker-dealer's failure, but it does not protect against the loss of your investment due to market performance or the use of any particular investment strategy. Additionally, cash balances up to $250,000 are insured by the FDIC in the event of a bank failure.
About the Founder
Xinyu (Shawn) He
Shawn studied chemical and biomolecular engineering and has taken multiple businesses, products, and service lines to market in tech, consumer, and healthcare industries for businesses starting with as few as 0 customers to multibillion-dollar organizations.
His obsession with algorithmic trading drove him to develop the core strategies behind the Volatis and Momentis funds. His engineering background and 7+ years of experience taking businesses to market across multiple industry sectors have allowed him to identify the key sectors of technological innovation and growth that will change our lives in the next decade and beyond for the Innotis fund.

Meet Your Fund Managers

Statis Fund has partnered with Quantbase, an SEC registered financial advisor to offer Statis Fund's investment strategies. Quantbase acts as a partnered third party to re-evaluate our strategies to ensure another level of validation and regulatory compliance that most other hedge funds do not have.